Boca Ratón, FL
Gimnasio comunitario
Fri Feb 28, 11:30 - 12:31 AM
Mar 1, 7:00 - 8:01 PM
Do you even climb, bro!?? Come meet me at Velocity Climbing and get FREE entry to their facility. I’ll be using free passes for Phoenix members to get people interested in learning the ropes started off with some light conditioning and ending with some beginner bouldering (think climbing only 10 feet at most with pads beneath you) and easy auto-belay routes (a machine stops your rope if you slip off the holds and fall, no need to trust someone else to catch you). Get acquainted with the facility while you learn the basics and condition your body for rock climbing!
Exercise shirt and shorts plus a water bottle. Velocity will be providing all required climbing equipment (harness, shoes, and chalk bag).
Plenty of free parking in their parking lot. Bring fresh arms, your forearms are the first thing to cramp up!