Nov 27, 11:00 - 12:00 AM
Selected reading & discussion material: Everything up to and including CHAPTER 9️⃣!! Book: "You Are Not Stuck: How Soul-Guided Choices Transform Fear Into Freedom"
🟣 Sugerencia: cualquier cosa que puedas utilizar para apuntar notas e ideas relacionadas con la selección de lectura para plantearlas en el debate. Trae: tu propia bebida + aperitivos (opción de comprar artículos en el Capital One Café - 50% de descuento si usas tu tarjeta CapitalOne).
‼️☆ COMPLIMENTARY parking @ Hyde Park Village - there are 3 garages. Or you may pay-to-park on the street. We'll meet at the Café in one of the reserved "Community Rooms" (in the back).